Theoretical-practical tensions in the incorporation of men in the work of primary prevention of gender violence


  • Sebastián Madrid Plataforma Interdisciplinaria Normalidad, Diferencia y Educación, Chile
  • Fernanda Rojas Plataforma NDE
  • Francisco Aguayo P. Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
  • Pablo Herraz Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Dominique Beyer Universidad Católica de Chile


gender violence, masculinities, interventions with men, primary prevention


This paper examines both the theoretical tensions, and those that exist between theory and practice regarding the incorporation of men in the primary prevention of gender based violence work. The analysis is based on a critical literature review of theoretical, empirical and practical articles, from mainly English-speaking countries. The article explores the definition of gender violence that is dealt with in these works and the role of masculinities as a cause of violence. Moreover, various elements that facilitate and hinder interventions with men in primary prevention are also analyzed. There are different tensions that arise and are discussed in the article. The consequences of these tensions include: a reduced definition of gender-based violence that excludes violence between men and against LGBTIQ+ people, a tendency to binarize gender-based violence as a phenomenon that affects only heterosexual and cisgender couples, an emphasis on individual aspects of men over a social transformation of masculinities, and lastly, an absence of interventions promoted and financed by states through specific social policies. The results presented contribute to systematizing knowledge that is generally scattered in the literature and proposals are made to reduce, and hopefully reverse these tensions.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián Madrid, Plataforma Interdisciplinaria Normalidad, Diferencia y Educación, Chile

Investigador PNUD, Profesor adjunto P. Universidad Católica de Chile y Universidad Diego Portales, Investigador Asociado Plataforma Interdisciplinaria Normalidad, Diferencia y Educación.

Fernanda Rojas, Plataforma NDE

Magister en Género por la London School of Economics and Political Science, Reino Unido y Licenciada en Letras por la P. Universidad Católica de Chile.


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How to Cite

Madrid, S., Rojas, F., Aguayo, F., Herraz, P., & Beyer, D. (2021). Theoretical-practical tensions in the incorporation of men in the work of primary prevention of gender violence. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 5(12). Retrieved from
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