Hard days' work ... Working conditions of health personnel during the initial crisis of COVID-19 in Mexico


  • Margarita Estrada Iguiniz CIESAS
  • Georgina Rojas Garcia CIESAS
  • Lisa Warn Cruz Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios de la Familia


COVID-19 Mexico, health personnel, precariousness


In this article, we examine the prevailing working conditions among medical and nursing personnel who cared for patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the beginning of the pandemic in Mexico. Carrying out a survey (self-administered and non-probabilistic sample) and a series of semi-directed interviews, during the months of April to June 2020 we had access to health personnel. The context of their work was characterized, in general, by long working hours, work overload and various deficiencies –personal protective equipment, medical equipment, medicines– and disorganization inside the hospitals. However, even though the work was distributed unequally, the health personnel put their professional ethics first and deployed all their resources to be able to fulfill the task they had been entrusted with: saving as many lives as possible. Our theoretical approach articulates the debate on the precarity of life and the precariousness of working conditions.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Estrada Iguiniz, CIESAS

Profesor Investigador Titular C.

Doctora en Antropologia (UNAM/FFyL). Especialista en estudios sobre trabajo y familia.

Georgina Rojas Garcia, CIESAS

Profesora Investigadora.

Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Nivel I

Doctora en Sociologia Universidad de Texas, Austin.

Lisa Warn Cruz, Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios de la Familia

Investigadora independiente.

Profesora del Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios de la Familia

Profesora del Instituto Regional de Estudios de la Familia

Doctora en terapia familiar


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How to Cite

Estrada Iguiniz, M., Rojas Garcia, G., & Warn Cruz, L. (2022). Hard days’ work . Working conditions of health personnel during the initial crisis of COVID-19 in Mexico. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 6(14). Retrieved from https://ojs.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/index.php/lat/article/view/1037
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