The privatization of ENTel in Argentina (1991-2001), the historical precedent of France Télécom?


  • Damián Pierbattisti Centro de Innovación de los Trabajadores


Privatizations, Neoliberalism, State, Telecommunications


The suicide of France Télécom workers in the course of the last twenty years has produced a vast and profound debate in the sociology of work in France. However, such a discussion deliberately omits the management of France Télécom's workforce outside the French perimeter. Concepts such as versatility, flexibility, competency model, sieves, employability, results orientation, proactivity, human capital, constitute the solid foundation on which a new link between capital and work will be built. This article intends to point out the notorious similarities assumed by the privatization of ENTel in Argentina, in which France Télécom participated as leader of the business consortium that would assume the provision of telephone service in the northern zone of the country, with which a decade took place. later in France, as clearly exposed in the documentary "(In)voluntary Withdrawals", filmed by the filmmaker Sandra Gugliotta and inspired by my research on the privatization of ENTel and France Télécom (February-May 2018).


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Author Biography

Damián Pierbattisti, Centro de Innovación de los Trabajadores

Doctor de la Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) en Ciencias Sociales, Sociologia. Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies, Sociologie du politique et du Développement. Licenciado en Sociologia. Investigador CONICET.


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How to Cite

Pierbattisti, D. (2023). The privatization of ENTel in Argentina (1991-2001), the historical precedent of France Télécom?. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 7(15). Retrieved from


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