Work and bohemia

Young artists from the streets of Mexico City



artistic work, bohemianism, love of art, social construction of occupation


This article focuses on the analysis of the sui generis activity carried out by the so-called street performers in Mexico City, which they experience as a source of pleasure, leisure, and recreation typical of youth culture and, therefore, lacks of social recognition as work. The objective is to show how bohemia is integrated into the social construction of the occupation that they perform and signify through the romantic myth of the love of art. The theoretical methodological framework is structured from understanding artistic activity as a non-classical labor, in which the spatial component is transcendental to understanding its configuration and the social construction of the occupation. From an ethnographic approach, with in-depth interviews, the love of art, the search for creative freedom, the meanings of youth, the lack of attachment to material things and the appetite for itinerancy are observed as organizing axes of the research.


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Author Biographies

Maria Azucena Feregrino Basurto, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I)

D. in Social and Political Sciences from the Universidad Iberoamericana, Master in Social Studies (Labor) from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa and postdoctoral researcher at the same institution.

Arturo Ledesma Cueto, Universidad Iberoamericana

D. in Communication from the Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City, he is an independent researcher on the cultural industry, digital media and political communication.


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How to Cite

Feregrino Basurto, M. A., & Ledesma Cueto, A. (2024). Work and bohemia: Young artists from the streets of Mexico City. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 8(17). Retrieved from
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