The extractive work of the piaí§aba in Barcelos-AM, Brazil: debt bondage and resistance of the piaí§abeiros


  • Elieyd Sousa de Menezes Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Piaí§abeiros, work, resistance


The extraction of piaí§aba fibers from the "aviamento" system in Barcelos-AM has been denounced by the extractive workers, the piaí§abeiros, as degrading work. Whether because of debt bondage, unhealthiness in piaí§abais, or restricted access to rivers. The objective of this article is to reflect on the social relations involving these agents in relation to the forms of domination and resistance to the "bosses" to whom they are subordinated. In 2013 the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) instituted a Civil Inquiry to investigate such complaints and in a joint operation with the Public Labor Ministry (MPT) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) it was found by these bodies that the extraction of fibers of piaí§aba from the "aviamento" is an activity analogous to slavery. The piaí§abeiros define themselves tarian, tukano, baniwa, baré, arapaí§o, werequena and tuyuca, as well as non-indigenous and riverine people and work for merchants known as "bosses". The data presented here were constructed between 2007 and 2017 from the constitution of a research relation with the piaí§abeiros through field work, of which besides direct observation, interviews, records of iconographic material and GPS receiver were made. In Barcelos-AM "aviamento" governs commercial relations, which involves family ties, power relations and forms of domination and resistance, even if daily and invisible.


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How to Cite

Menezes, E. S. de. (2018). The extractive work of the piaí§aba in Barcelos-AM, Brazil: debt bondage and resistance of the piaí§abeiros. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 2(4). Retrieved from
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