The great struggle for justice and dignity of coal miners in Coahuila, Mexico


  • Victoria Novelo O. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social (CIESAS) del CONACYT


coal miners, working experience, collective memory


In the mid-1950s, thousands of coal miners working in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila began a long and stubborn struggle - which would be defeated the following year - to preserve their union autonomy and independence of opinion. To confront the slander about their movement, the workers had to find a way to respond to the attacks. In this work of counter-information, they mainly resorted to the use of oral language to spread the outlook around events at meetings, rallies and marches. Some solidarian intellectuals also participated in the dissemination of popular struggles, accompanying the movement of the miners with articles that reflected the working experience. All that information, all that experience, rested for a long time in the collective memory of those coal miners, their relatives and their neighbors. It survived and was refreshed every time they recalled some facts for educational, family and union purposes, becoming a source of oral tradition within the mining worker culture. For this article, I selected fragments of interviews that have more to do with the origin of the mining community and the union, with the role of freemasons workers and with the experiences of some miners in the strike. The testimonies document the recurrence of certain components of the rebellion of the subordinate classes. It is interesting to note that throughout the recent history of Mexico, popular protest, urban and rural, stubbornly includes the concepts of "truth", "justice", "dignity" and "solidarity" in its moral code as values that we do not know how far they direct their daily life, but ultimately come to light guiding their action when they denounce the betrayal from the established power of those values in the exercise of their authority. Although for many studies it is known that memory is selective, in the case of miners the precision in the recording of what filled the mind of men as a daily theme is remarkable. What follows is, then, an attempt to make known a part of the experience and the feeling of a stage in the life of the coal mining community.


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Author Biography

Victoria Novelo O., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social (CIESAS) del CONACYT

Victoria Novelo

Investigadora del CIESAS desde 1973. Desde 2005 al 2013 fue adscrita a la Unidad Peninsular en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México; desde el 2013 es adscrita a la Unidad DF del CIESAS. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores con el nivel II. Es Profesora-Investigadora Emérita del CIESAS desde 2013. Estudió la Licenciatura en Etnologia y la Maestria en Ciencias Antropológicas (1974) en la Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (ENAH). Se Doctoró en Antropologia en 1988 en el CIESAS-DF

Sus lineas de investigación abordan diversos temas: "cultura popular", "arte popular", formas artesanales de trabajo; antropologia del trabajo y cultura obrera; antropologia visual. Asimismo, trabajó en proyectos de difusión de la cultura en museos (curaduria de exposiciones e integración de colecciones) y medios de comunicación (peliculas documentales, programas de TV).

Autora de numerosos articulos, entre sus publicaciones más recientes se destacan:

"Artesanias de México, producciones, consumos y mercados", en Eli Bartra y Ma. Guadalupe Huascuz Elias (coords), Mujeres, feminismo y arte popular,UAM-X, Unisinos, Obra Abierta Ediciones, México,2015. Pp 81-89;  "Lo bueno, lo malo, lo feo y lo bonito en los diablos de Ocumicho", Discurso Visual, num.33 (tercera época), revista electrónica, CENIDIAP, INBA, CNCA, México, 2014; Victoria Novelo y Juan Luis Sariego (coords), Temas emergentes en la antropologia de las orillas, Coneculta Chiapas, México, 2014; "Migraciones mayas y yucatecas a Cuba", Revista Dimensión Antropológica,vol. 59, año 20, sept-dic 2013, pp 127-146, México, 2013; Victoria Novelo y Juan Luis Sariego (coordinadores), Antropologia en las orillas, Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas, Colección Universitaria Intercultural vol. 2, México, 2011.



How to Cite

Novelo O., V. (2019). The great struggle for justice and dignity of coal miners in Coahuila, Mexico. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 3(5). Retrieved from
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