Covid-19, telework and care: impact on the lives of professional women in Argentina


  • Gabriela Bard Wigdor Investigadora Asistente del CONICET-CIECS Docente de la FCS de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Paola Bonavitta CONICET-UPC


teleworking, Covid-19, paid and unpaidwork


This article is the result of an exploratory research on telework and care during the period in which the mandatory social isolation measure is applied, sanctioned by the Argentine government as a health policy in the face of the advanceof covid-19. Based on data obtained with techniques such as surveys and interviews with women who telework and care for women in Argentina during 2020, there is evidence of the necessary debate about not legislating in favor of this modality of remote work as if it were a new labor paradigm, when in fact it is a flexible way of working and minimizing employer costs, as well as a hybrid mechanism between paid and unpaid work that womensolve with daily care and domestic work in the face of the crisis of the hetero-patriarchal capitalist order.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Bard Wigdor, Investigadora Asistente del CONICET-CIECS Docente de la FCS de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctora en Estudios de Género

Profesora de la FCS de la UNC

Investigadora Asistente del CONICET

Paola Bonavitta, CONICET-UPC

Doctora en Estudios Sociales de América Latina

Investigadora Asistente del CONICET

Profesora de la Universidad Provincial de Córdob


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How to Cite

Bard Wigdor, G., & Bonavitta, P. (2021). Covid-19, telework and care: impact on the lives of professional women in Argentina. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 5(11). Retrieved from



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