The duplicity of bourgeois morality in the management of workers' labor during the quarantine by Covid-19 in Bolivia


  • Tania Leda Aillón Gómez Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Económicos de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón; Grupo de Estudios del Trabajo LLank’aymanta.
  • Luis Fernando Castro López Grupo de Estudios del trabajo Llank'aymanta


Pandemic, mercantile relation, State


From an approach which explains the management of the COVID19 as mercantile relations, which serve as support for the duplicity of bourgeois ethics and morals; this article analyzes the practices of the employers and the role of the State in the quarantine period of 2020 in Bolivia, as a gateway to explain and understand: how a civilization, which reached an unprecedented capacity to increase the labor productivity and immense possibilities of generating wealth and knowledge, has so many difficulties to control an emergency that endangers human survival. Based on hemerographic data and workers' testimonies and to the light of the empirical evidence, it is seen that the possibilities of guaranteeing health and life only exist if one is able to find, within the rules and ethics of the market, the means to preserve oneself. In this sense, the moral doctrines that seek to change the world and improve it are nothing but the distorted reflection of an aspect of this real world, a world where an action, which is the true incarnation of the ethical principle, also contains the negation of this principle, so that the suppression of the duplicity of bourgeois morality, which now threatens public health and human life, means the break with the material bases that sustain it: private property, the division of labor and the market as regulator of social relations.


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Author Biographies

Tania Leda Aillón Gómez, Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Económicos de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón; Grupo de Estudios del Trabajo LLank’aymanta.

Socióloga-economista, investigadora del IESE-UMSS y del Grupo de Estudios del Trabajo LLank’aymanta.

Luis Fernando Castro López, Grupo de Estudios del trabajo Llank'aymanta

Sociólogo investigador del Grupo de Estudios del Trabajo LLank’aymanta.


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How to Cite

Aillón Gómez, T. L., & Castro López, L. F. (2021). The duplicity of bourgeois morality in the management of workers’ labor during the quarantine by Covid-19 in Bolivia. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 5(11). Retrieved from



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