"Women workers' unity!": Argentinian paid domestic workers between structural inequalities and the effects of the pandemic


  • Verónica Luciana Casas CEIL CONICET


Paid domestic work, Domestic workers, Labor rights, Pandemic


One of the sectors hardest hit by the crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic is - in Argentina and, we dare to say, in Latin America - that of paid domestic workers. Added to the structural inequalities in the sector - given that it is one of the worst paid jobs and most lacking in regulation and access to social security in the world - was added the pandemic context. From a quantitative and qualitative work in an atypical research context, and mediated by digital technologies, we were able to investigate the impact of the crisis and the isolation measures for female workers. In this photographic essay we show the march of October 2, called by a union, towards the Ministry of Labor. The objective was to demand that the National Commission for Work in Private Houses meet - the body that sets the minimum wage scale - for the recomposition and adjustment of wages. In addition to the implementation of other necessary measures, such as the monthlyization and universalization of the Emergency Family Income, the establishment of an unemployment fund, the setting of an additional for seniority, etc. This record shows a moment of growing effervescence in the sector in the demand for labor rights and decent work.



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Author Biography

Verónica Luciana Casas, CEIL CONICET

Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Casas, V. L. (2021). "Women workers’ unity!": Argentinian paid domestic workers between structural inequalities and the effects of the pandemic. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 5(11). Retrieved from https://ojs.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/index.php/lat/article/view/921



Photographic Essays
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