Conceptual variation of the specialized term work, in an organized framework of cognitive inheritance, Mesoamerican-Mixtec worldview


  • Ma. Guadalupe de la Paz Beltrán Martinez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Olitterae AC


collective work, worldview, linguistic cognitive inheritance


With the premise about how agents coexist in an economic system, in a set, Economic Theory was developed, with this analogy, it would be expected that, when knowing the particularities of another economic system, alternative with behavior of sustainability and care of nature, more adequate information could be had in its interpretation through linguistic and sociolinguistic anthropology as has been done in medicine and gastronomy. The term work was chosen in its collective form to verify its semantic variation in regions that name it as hand back, guelaguetza and tequio, analyzing whether it has synonymy, polysemy or requires neologisms proposed by researchers. In the field, based on questionnaires and interviews, a linguistic analysis was carried out with a quantitative method of descriptive and qualitative statistics. The objective of this work was to make observations when checking how the cognitive tool provides data to conceptualize a reality through sociolinguistic aspects, in a framework with particular characteristics, under the principle of naming a representation or a concept through linguistic signs. Among the results were semantic values ​​with their own intentions, motivations, mythical substrates and ethical values ​​in meaning. To understand how different concepts are transmitted in labor relations in cognitive inheritance, in identity, in social relations of organizations with the community and nature, in contrast to what is had in capitalism, the importance of mythical sources that provide sustainability criteria is revalued, in the construction of a vision of the world or cosmovision and cosmogony.


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Author Biography

Ma. Guadalupe de la Paz Beltrán Martinez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Olitterae AC

Investigadora independiente

Editora en Olitterae AC

Variación conceptual del término especializado trabajo, en un marco organizado de herencia cognitiva, cosmovisión mesoamericana-mixteca


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How to Cite

Beltrán Martinez, M. G. de la P. (2022). Conceptual variation of the specialized term work, in an organized framework of cognitive inheritance, Mesoamerican-Mixtec worldview. Revista Latinoamericana De Antropologia Del Trabajo, 6(13). Retrieved from
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