Little angels in post mortem photography

The album of the dead (1950-1970) of a family from the rural/peasant area of Encarnación, Paraguay


  • César Iván Bondar Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Humanos/CONICET/UNaM/FHyCS


post mortem photography, little angels, wakes


In this brief note we refer to the use of post mortem photography of angels during the 20th century. We start from photographs taken between 1950 and 1970, which are in the album of the dead of a family from Encarnación, Paraguay. We have selected five images that are part of the album of the dead (in angelitos) and that allow us to appreciate with clarity some of the particularities of the angelic wakes and the configuration of the body of the deceased child.


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Bondar, C. I. (2015). Prácticas funerarias vinculadas a niños difuntos (angelitos). Corrientes, Argentina y Sur de la Región Oriental del Paraguay. [Tesis inédita de Doctorado]. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Secretaria de Posgrado. Programa de Posgrado en Antropologia Social.

Cerrutti, í.& Martinez, A. (2010). El "velorio del angelito". Manifestación de la religiosidad popular del sur de Chile, transplantada en el territorio del Neququén, (1884-1930). Scripta Ethnologica, 32, 9-15.

Eliade, M. (1983). Lo sagrado y lo profano. Barcelona: Labor.

Ramirez Sevilla, L. (2003). La vida fugaz de la fotografia mortuoria. Relaciones XXIV (94), 163-198.

Riera, A. (2006). Introducción a la Fotografia post mortem.



How to Cite

Bondar, C. I. (2023). Little angels in post mortem photography: The album of the dead (1950-1970) of a family from the rural/peasant area of Encarnación, Paraguay. Sociedad Y religión, 33(62). Retrieved from