Religions and beliefs in Argentina (2008-2019). Results of the Second National Survey of Religious Beliefs and Attitudes in Argentina


  • Fortunato Horacio Mallimaci CEIL-CONICET/ UBA
  • Juan Cruz Esquivel CEIL-CONICET/ UBA
  • Verónica Giménez Béliveau CEIL-CONICET/ UBA


Beliefs, Religion, Argentina, Catholics, Evangelicals, Unaffiliated


The article aims to build a map of religiosity in contemporary Argentine
society, based on data from the Second National Survey on Religious Beliefs
and Attitudes.
Religious beliefs, belongings and practices are described, as well as attitudes
towards a range of issues on the public agenda (abortion, sex education,
religious education in public schools, immigration and social assistance
policies). The set of variables is analyzed according to sex, age, level of
education and region of residence, taking into account the various ways of
experiencing religion and religious unbelief throughout the country. Likewise, a
comparative approach is undertaken with respect to the First National Survey
on Religious Beliefs and Attitudes carried out in 2008, in order to identify
changes and continuities in religious dynamics.
There is a decrease in Catholicism, an increase in evangelical adherence and the
Unaffiliated. At the same time, the process of religious individuation is
consolidated: believers relate to God on their own and most of them do not
frequent institutionalized religious spaces and celebrations. Nevertheless, this
does not imply the absence of religious and spiritual practices, while these tend
to focus on the privacy area.


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How to Cite

Mallimaci, F. H., Esquivel, J. C., & Giménez Béliveau, V. (2020). Religions and beliefs in Argentina (2008-2019). Results of the Second National Survey of Religious Beliefs and Attitudes in Argentina. Sociedad Y religión, 30(55). Retrieved from

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