Presentation of the dossier Science, Beliefs and Society. From the thesis of conflict to the idea of complexity in the interaction between science and religion


  • Gabriela Irrazábal CEIL CONICET


This dossier is part of the joint work in the project Sciences and Catholicism: perspectives and circuits of dialogue in six scientific areas (epistemology, bioethics, genetics, reproductive medicine, embryology, psychiatry and neurosciences) between contemporary Europe and Argentina, funded by the International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society of the University of Birmingham and the Templeton Foundation. Within this framework, we proposed to analyze socio-historically the relationships between science and religion, exploring the articulation between scientific disciplines, theological perspectives and beliefs from the study of inter-institutional spaces and the main trajectories of the actors that promote and implement forms of linkage between science and religion (both experts and believers), in different specific cases over time.


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How to Cite

Irrazábal, G. (2021). Presentation of the dossier Science, Beliefs and Society. From the thesis of conflict to the idea of complexity in the interaction between science and religion. Sociedad Y religión, 31(57). Retrieved from