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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Rurales publishes original articles derived from scientific research, that are not being submitted to evaluation in other journals and that are unpublished, without charging the authors any fee for the submission, processing or publication.
2. The presentations must be structured as an article, be written in Spanish or Portuguese, in Times New Roman 12 points and word processor Word for Windows and delivered in electronic file.
3. The author must include a separate file containing a curricular summary of no more than five lines (training, positions, institutional affiliation, relevant activities, achievements) in addition to his postal address, telephone number and email address. In the event that the article has several authorships, the file must contain the data of all authors, and specify the email of the corresponding author.
4. The length of each article will be approximately 25 pages, numbered in the lower right corner, written in double space, with free margins of 2.5 cm, including figures, graphs, tables and bibliographic references. Only textual citations will go to single space.
5. The title of the work must be succinct, specific, with correct and coherent syntax. The use of acronyms and comma (,) or colon (:) should be avoided as much as possible.
6. The categories of titles and subtitles of the text must be clearly differentiated to facilitate editorial revision.
7. Each article must be accompanied by a summary in the original language of the article of an extension of 250 words, where the main objectives and scope of the research are indicated, the method or methodology used is described, the most important results are extracted, and the most relevant conclusions are announced. Each summary must be accompanied by its corresponding English translation. The summaries will be inserted at the beginning of the article, after the mention of the title and the author.
8. Each abstract must also contain a maximum of six (6) keywords, in Spanish and English, arranged alphabetically.
9. If there are, the explanatory notes will appear at the end of the article, numbered and placed before the bibliographical references.
10. Bibliographic citations should be inserted in the body of the text. They will be applied according to APA standards. (See; en Spanish:
11. The drawings, maps and photos will be named figures, the graphics and tables will be named as such. Each one will be numbered and they will go as they are mentioned in the text. Figures, graphics and tables should be inserted in the document, fully titled and consecutively listed by type. The tables must be presented with their respective heading and, if necessary, indicate their source at the end; they must be made in the same word processor used for the rest of the text.
12. The bibliographical references will be listed alphabetically at the end of the text, with a French indentation, containing all the elements of a record. The names of magazines, books, publishers, or the city of editing will not be abbreviated. (See
13. Accepted papers will undergo review and correction of style and will be subject to typographical and design guidelines of the Journal.
14. If intellectual or any kind of plagiarism is committed, the Journal will not assume any responsibility and, therefore, the author will have to face the corresponding legislation.
15. Only originals that comply with the indicated editorial standards will be received. The Editor will acknowledge receipt of the originals and within a period of no more than two months, the interested parties will be informed if the work has been accepted for publication.
16. ReLaER is a refereed scientific publication that responds to the "double blind" evaluation model and reserves the right not to publish contributions that do not comply with the guidelines previously explained.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.