Communication, mobilities and spatialities. Displacements and trajectories among young population from í‘orquin Co and Cushamen at the Patagonia region of Argentina


  • Aymará Daniela Barés Becaria doctoral, Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio


territorio, jóvenes, movilidades virtuales y fisicas.


Based on research on the trajectories of young individuals from the areas í‘orquincó and Cushamen -located across the borderline of the provinces of Chubut and Rio Negro, on the mountains of the Patagonia region in Argentina - we wonder how new information and communication technologies with the virtual mobilities they entail as well as physical mobility affect the forms of subjectivity. Both, virtual mobility and physical mobility are part of youth trajectories; the way of thinking in the territory is reformulated in terms of current and updated practices. New meanings are opened in the territory designated as rural which in turn brings us to the concept of rururbanidad.

The article accounts for the relationships amidst communication, spatialization and mobility in these contexts, whereas these mobilities are not detached from the structures of power and therefore become structured mobilities. Then, structured mobilities will help us to think about the trajectories across time and space, considering both the scale and virtuality of the territory .

Author Biography

Aymará Daniela Barés, Becaria doctoral, Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio

Licenciada en Comunicacion Social (UNR), Especialista en Abordaje Integral de Problemáticas Comunitarias en el ímbito Social (UNLA), Diplomada en Ciencias Sociales (Flacso), doctoranda en Comunicación (UNR). Becaria doctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio (Conicet/UNRN).



How to Cite

Barés, A. D. (2016). Communication, mobilities and spatialities. Displacements and trajectories among young population from í‘orquin Co and Cushamen at the Patagonia region of Argentina. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from


