CANTASOL - Production, Commercialization and Income Generation for Small Rural Producers


  • Angela Ester Mallmann Centenaro Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - UNEMAT


Settlement, CANTASOL, Solidarity Economy, Income


This paper presents the CANTASOL project, which uses an electronic platform to commercialize the production of residents of the settlement October 12, located in the municipality of Cláudia - MT. We study the socioeconomic changes that occurred in the settlement after its implementation, through the project in the community, the increase in income generation, because it is also perceived that after the implementation of the project other collectives of production and commercialization were born. To support the theoretical review, the concepts of economics, production factors (land, capital and labor), the issue of agrarian reform and family farming, the capitalist production and commercialization mode, solidarity economy as a new form of production and commercialization, the position of classical authors on income theory are discussed. In the methodology, a mixed questionnaire was applied with open and closed questions. This research was carried out to answer the question: After the implementation of the CANTASOL subproject, aiming at a new form of production and commercialization, what changes in income generation perceived by the settlers of the Settlement October 12 of the municipality of Cláudia-MT. According to the questionnaire, there was a change in the educational conditions and income of the residents.

Author Biography

Angela Ester Mallmann Centenaro, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - UNEMAT

Graduada em Ciências Econí´micas - UNISINOS

Mestre em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - UNISINOS

Doutora em Ciências Sociais - UNISINOS

Professora Adjunta do Curso de Ciências Econí´micas da UNEMAT

Trabalho na área de Economia Social, Economia Solidária, Cooperativismo


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How to Cite

Mallmann Centenaro, A. E. (2022). CANTASOL - Production, Commercialization and Income Generation for Small Rural Producers. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 7(14). Retrieved from


