About the Journal

The Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Rurales (Latin American Journal of Rural Studies) is a continuous publication of two issues per year of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociologia Rural - ALASRU- (Latin American Association of Rural Sociology) which is published jointly with the CONICET- founded Centre for Labour Studies and Research (CEIL-CONICET) of Argentina and aims to promote the circulation of knowledge generated on rural and agrarian issues in Latin America.

Since its creation in 1969, ALASRU has been building bridges between the continent's professionals dedicated to Rural Sociology, organising congresses, conferences and publications, and has been a permanent forum for exchange between academics and organisations of peasants, family farmers, indigenous people and day labourers in the region. Its academic activity has placed special emphasis on showing the living and working conditions of rural populations, pointing out the vulnerability, poverty and exclusion to which large sectors of Latin American rural societies are subjected. For ALASRU, this journal represents a vital means to promote academic and political discussion on topics of interest to the Association, in an environment of plurality of ideas and scientific quality.
It receives original articles in Spanish and Portuguese that address theoretical, empirical and methodological issues in the field of rural sociology, related to historical, economic, social, environmental and political dimensions of agriculture and the rural environment of the continent.

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 17 (2024)
portada ReLaER 17
Published: 2024-06-10

Notas y comunicaciones

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