What hides the articulation with markets in family farming? Contributions around family labor and non-commodification strategies in the province Santiago del Estero, Argentina


  • Camila Mariana Infante INDES (FHCSyS-UNSE/CONICET)


family farming, family labor, markets, non-commodification strategies, short commercialization circuits


Within the framework of a globalized agri-food system and oligopolistic capitalist markets, one of the concerns that arise in rural studies is related to the possibility of linking family farming to conventional markets or advancing in the construction of alternative markets such as short commercialization circuits. Around this, it is suggested studying the issue from a broad perspective that considers the diversification of markets present in the territory, therefore, the article aims to systematize the different modalities of commercialization assumed by three family farming experiences located in Banda, Santiago del Estero (Argentina).The methodology used is qualitative, including demographic information and productive aspects of local family farmers and in-depth interviews on their the commercial modalities they display. As main contributions, this work allows to account for the capacity of the actors to combine markets with different characteristics, to think about a possible complementarity between conventional and alternative markets for the development of the sector, and to show up that other elements underlie the articulation with the markets that support the commercial structure of family farming: the intensification of family labor and non-commodification strategies.

Author Biography

Camila Mariana Infante, INDES (FHCSyS-UNSE/CONICET)

Becaria doctoral INDES (FHCSyS-UNSE/CONICET). Santiago del Estero, Argentina


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How to Cite

Infante, C. M. (2023). What hides the articulation with markets in family farming? Contributions around family labor and non-commodification strategies in the province Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 8(15). Retrieved from https://ojs.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/index.php/revistaalasru/article/view/1103


