Moving towards the territorialization of local agri-food strategies in Latin America


  • Silvana Vargas Winstanley Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


agroalimentary strategies, Latin America


Acting against hunger is today an essentially ethical issue that involves all disciplines. Within this framework, the territorialization of changes and continuities of food markets in times of pandemic in Latin America and The Caribbean is a pending theme. Territorialization refers to the ability to generate knowledge, as well as to promote the concurrence of social transformation strategies, based on the recognition of the heterogeneity and interdependence of the dynamics of the territory, guiding them towards the generation of multidimensional well-being opportunities centered on people and the reduction of inequality gaps, particularly in the field of agri-food systems. Along this line, this text provides elements about the importance of territorializing our approaches regarding local agri-food strategies in the face of the crisis. To this end, (i) it proposes a reference framework that departs from the territorial approach, (ii) outlines an analysis model applying it to three local strategies on sustainable production, timely availability of food and resilient consumption in Cuba, Mexico and Peru, respectively, and (iii) outlines some clues and challenges for Rural Sociology.

Author Biography

Silvana Vargas Winstanley, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Directora Académica de Responsabilidad Social, Profesora principal del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales - Sección Sociologia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


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How to Cite

Vargas Winstanley, S. (2023). Moving towards the territorialization of local agri-food strategies in Latin America. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 8(15). Retrieved from


