Working time and labor formality in agricultural wage employment in Chile and Uruguay, 2010-2018



Chile, Uruguay, agriculture, rural wage workers, working time


Rurality in the countries of the southern cone of Latin America does not escape global trends in terms of productive and social transformations of their agricultural sectors. The growth in raw material prices and the growing demand for food occurs within the framework of a cycle of productive expansion, with the consequent impact on labor markets. In this sense, it is necessary to debate about these productive processes integrated into the global market and the social and occupational conditions that they generate, particularly in corporate agriculture. Considering this context, the article aims to account for the socio-laboral situations among rural wage workers in Uruguay and Chile, considering the analytical dimensions of employment formality/informality and of daily or weekly working hours as an indicator of labor intensity. The results show that current trends in agricultural production times have specifically involved the use of the labor force in its productive dynamics, especially among large companies, generating conditions for a growing demand for daily wage jobs and changes in the formalization of employment relationships. The methodology applied is quantitative, using the 2012 and 2018 Continuous Household Survey of the National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay and the 2010 and 2018 National Employment Survey of the National Institute of Statistics of Chile. The analysis developed includes exploratory analysis techniques (univariate descriptive statistics) and bivariate analysis.


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How to Cite

Romero, J. (2024). Working time and labor formality in agricultural wage employment in Chile and Uruguay, 2010-2018. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 9(17). Retrieved from


