Mapping of activities, producers, and certifying agencies of organic agriculture in Brazil



Organic agriculture, Brazil, Certifying agencies, Geographic region


This article aims to provide an overview of the geographical distribution of organic agriculture in Brazil, considering certifying agencies, the presence of farmers by region, and the panorama of activities within this agricultural production system. The research adopted a quantitative approach, grounded in the literature, characterized as exploratory and descriptive. Data were collected from the National Registry of Organic Producers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), published in March 2023, including information on certifying agencies, the quantity of organic farmers per region in Brazil, organic agricultural activities, and products produced. The results emphasize the importance of incentive programs and public policies to promote organic agriculture in Brazil, with certifying agencies playing a crucial role in ensuring product quality. Their involvement strengthens the production chain and promotes sustainable practices, highlighting the potential of organic agriculture to promote health and preserve the environment. Finally, the research underscores the importance of incentive programs and public policies to boost organic agriculture in Brazil, as well as the crucial role of certifying agencies in ensuring product quality. Strengthening the organic production chain promotes sustainable practices and ensures quality products to consumers, demonstrating the potential of organic agriculture to promote health and preserve the environment.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. F. dos, Bortolocci Espejo, M. M. dos S., Silva, C. M. da, & Andrade, G. A. de S. (2024). Mapping of activities, producers, and certifying agencies of organic agriculture in Brazil. Latin American Journal of Rural Studies, 9(17). Retrieved from



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